Election / Rollover Form

You may be eligible to receive a payment from a class action settlement. The Court has preliminarily approved the class settlement of Placht v Argent Trust Company, Case No. 1:21-cv-05783 (N.D. Ill.) That settlement will provide for a payment to Class Members based on the number of shares of Symbria Inc. stock in their respective Symbria Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (“ESOP”). The terms of that Settlement are summarized in the Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement. For additional information, please review the Class Notice, here, or call (866) 675-2914.

This Rollover Form is ONLY for Class Members who would like to elect to receive their settlement payment through a rollover to a qualified retirement account through direct deposit or by paper check. To do so, Class Members must complete and sign this form and received on or before April 3, 2025.

Please review the instructions below carefully. Former Participants who do not complete and timely return this form will receive their settlement payment by a check payable to themselves (subject to applicable tax withholding). If you have questions regarding this form, you may contact the Settlement Administrator at (866) 675-2914 or info@SymbriaESOPSettlement.com.

Instructions for Completing Former Participant Rollover Form.

  1. If you would like to receive your settlement payment through a rollover to a qualified retirement account, complete this rollover form. It is your responsibility to ensure the Settlement Administrator has timely received your Rollover Form by April 3, 2025.

  2. You must provide all required information (including date of birth and social security number) and sign your form where indicated.

  3. If you omit to provide all necessary information or fail to sign your form, payment will be made to you by check.

  4. If you change your address after sending in your Rollover Form, please provide your new address to the Settlement Administrator as soon as possible.

  5. To start your online Rollover Form, please login with your Unique ID and PIN found on your Notice.

Questions? If you have any questions about this Rollover Form or need assistance finding your Unique and PIN, please call the Settlement Administrator at (866) 675-2914. The Settlement Administrator will provide advice only regarding completing this form and will not provide financial, tax or other advice concerning the Settlement. You therefore may want to consult with your financial or tax advisor.

Note: The timing of the distribution of the Settlement payments is conditioned on several matters, including the Court’s final approval of the Settlement and any approval becoming final and no longer subject to any appeals in any court. If the Settlement is approved by the Court, and there are no appeals, the first Settlement distribution likely will occur within sixty days of the Court's Final Approval Order.